Grants to Alberta Nonprofits for Capital Projects in Eligible Regions
Grants to Alberta nonprofit groups for capital projects to benefit eligible communities. Applicants are required to contact funding staff prior to submitting an application. Funding is intended for applicants providing cultural, recreational, arts, sports, and social se...
Grants to Alberta Groups for Youth Environmental Projects
Grants to Alberta groups for environmental projects. Funding is intended to engage youth and young adults in a broad range of environmental initiatives and projects. Projects must involve people who are 25 years of age or under. The purpose of the grant is to encourage ...
Grants to Alberta Nonprofits, First Nations, Métis Settlements, and IHEs for Projects that Benefit Local Communities
Grants to Alberta nonprofit organizations, First Nations, Métis settlements, and IHEs for projects to enrich and enhance communities throughout the province. Funding may be used for new or current programs, community events, technology, gender equity projects, and port...